• Studio Flat £116
  • One Bedroom Flat £161
  • Two Bedroom Flat £189
  • Three Bedroom Flat £220
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End of Tenancy Cleaning Totteridge N20

End Of Tenancy Cleaning North London

Guaranteed end of tenancy cleaning services in Totteridge N20, London provided by TenancyClean Ltd. Call us now to book a service.

End of tenancy cleaning is definitely one of the most difficult domestic cleaning jobs. The reason for this is that it involves all rooms in your home, hundreds of cleaning procedures and hours of washing, scrubbing and dusting. Completing all this on your own won’t be easy and will drain away all your energy, so it is a good idea to find someone to help you, or even better – do the entire job instead of you.

Our company offers a top quality end of tenancy cleaning service that is guaranteed to meet your requirements and fit in every tenant’s budget. We offer the most reasonable prices in entire London, but the low price doesn’t have an impact on the efficiency and reliability of our services. We are the best choice when it comes to end of tenancy cleaning and we have proven this through the years, by satisfying the cleaning needs of hundreds of landlords, tenants and real estate agents. There isn’t a cleaning challenge which we can’t handle, and we are confident that our workers are the best cleaning technicians in London. They have been properly trained and have been a part of our project for years, so we know what they are capable of.

If you your place cleaned according the highest standards, then our end of tenancy cleaning is the right choice.
Some of cleaning tasks which our workers will handle while carrying out our end of tenancy cleaning service are:

  • Scrubbing, cleaning and disinfecting sinks, taps, bathtubs, toilets, tiles and shower heads
  • De-scaling and cleaning bathroom tiles
  • Cleaning mirrors and windows
  • Cleaning and polishing surfaces
  • De-greasing, cleaning and disinfecting kitchen surfaces
  • De-greasing and cleaning the oven and extractor fan
  • Cleaning kitchen appliances on the inside/out
  • Vacuuming, mopping or hand-washing floors
  • Cleaning skirting boards, window sills, window frames, doors and door handles
  • Cleaning mirrors, pictures and wall hangings
  • Tidying up
  • Emptying recycle bins and removing cobwebs
  • Vacuuming upholstered furniture, mattresses, blinds and curtains
  • Cleaning decorations

We guarantee complete customer satisfaction and thanks to our 48-hour guarantee, you can rest assured that you won’t be disappointed. If you are not happy with the results from the first cleaning procedure, you can give us a call and file in a complaint – we’ll instantly send a cleaning team to check the problem and resolve the issue. If we didn’t do our job properly, we’ll re-clean your place free of charge.

End of Tenancy Cleaning
Studio flat £116
One Bedroom Property £161
Two Bedroom Property £189
Three Bedroom Property £220
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Hallway/ Landing carpet £10
Armchair £18
Bedroom carpet £23
Living/ Dining room carpet £26
Two seat sofa £60
House Cleaning Services
Domestic Cleaning £60
One Off Cleaning £60
Deep Cleaning £145

Booking our End of Tenancy Cleaning in Totteridge includes:

  • The end of tenancy cleaning of each home is not like any other type of cleaning you usually perform. When moving out, you are supposed to return the apartment in pristine condition and lucky for you the qualified experts of our team will do just that.
  • They will arrive with all tools and products and follow thorough task lists to ensure that all tasks have been performed.
  • All dust, grime, buildup and clutter will be completely removed and the entire flat will be left immaculate.
  • The high quality of the cleaning service is guaranteed and you may rest assured that you will be able to receive your deposit back. Waste no time, give us a call and receive one of the best end of tenancy cleaning services on the market.
end of tenancy clean

Get a custom quote for your cleaning service:

  • Only the cleaning jobs included in the cleaning service you scheduled with our team will be listed on your bill.
  • When you call our office agents, tell them about the state of your apartment and you will obtain a free estimate over the phone.
  • You will be able to view all tasks and how much each one costs on the bill. You will know precisely what you are being charged for, and the price will be final once you receive a free quotation.
  • There will be no extra charges throughout the service.

We clean in all London areas:

About Totteridge

The old English village Totteridge is presently a protected residential area in Borough of Barnet. It is a picturesque mixture of open land and suburban development. River Dollis Brook form the northern and eastern boundary while it’s tributary Folly Brook is the southern boundary of Totteridge. The extreme southern part of Totteridge is regarded as Woodside Park.

The western part of Totteridge is called Totteridge Common. The area west to the common is known as Totteridge Green and to the east of it is Totteridge Lane. Further west to Totteridge Common is Totteridge Village.premium-quality-stamp

Totteridge has Chipping Barnet, Mill Hill East, Whetstone and Barnet Gate to its north, south, east and west.
Totteridge & Whetstone station stands on High Barnet branch of Northern Line and is served by buses on routes 251 and 326. There is no surface railway station in the area. However, the nearby Oakleigh Park station suffices the lack. Bus route 383 serves to it. The area has several Nature conservation sites such as Totteridge Croft Field, olly Broook, Dollis Brook, Totteridge Fields, Totteridge Common, Totteridge Green, etc.