• Studio Flat £116
  • One Bedroom Flat £161
  • Two Bedroom Flat £189
  • Three Bedroom Flat £220
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End Of Tenancy Cleaning Stoke Newington N16

End Of Tenancy Cleaning North London

Tenancy Clean provides professional end of tenancy cleaning in Stoke Newington, N16 for your home at the most competitive price in your local area.

If you face difficulties finding an excellent end of tenancy cleaning in Stoke Newington, we will welcome you in our highly respected company where we provide professional end of tenancy cleaning in the fastest possible way. Whenever you need extensive cleaning of the rooms in your home, before the end of the lease contract, we will be happy to offer you a wide range of cleaning procedures that will make the property sparkling clean and shiny.

Our cleaners will be at your disposal 7 days per week and they will come supplied with modern vacuum cleaners and excellent detergents to take care of the stains and dirt.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Services:

If you wonder why our end of tenancy cleaning is second to none, take a look at the list of services that we include in it and benefit from our great offers:

  • Ideal cleaning of kitchen and bathroom;
  • Vacuuming with modern machines;
  • Cleaning of the walls;
  • Removing of dust and old stains;
  • Chemical-free cleaning equipment;
  • Possibility for convenient working schedules;
  • Comprehensive and reliable team of cleaners;
  • Very competitive and reasonable prices;
  • Additional information through the call centres

If our offer for end of tenancy cleaning in Stoke Newington N16 seems good to you, we are expecting your phone call right now. All of our employees have been preliminary trained to manage every task in an adequate way and according to the standards. Our cleaning equipment is chemical-free and absolutely safe for your health. We have experience in the providing of end of tenancy cleaning over the last few years and we constantly try to ameliorate our skills. Our end of tenancy cleaners are capable of providing innovative approaches, in order to get rid of all the stains on the surfaces and places.

End of Tenancy Cleaning
Studio flat £116
One Bedroom Property £161
Two Bedroom Property £189
Three Bedroom Property £220
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Hallway/ Landing carpet £10
Armchair £18
Bedroom carpet £23
Living/ Dining room carpet £26
Two seat sofa £60
House Cleaning Services
Domestic Cleaning £60
One Off Cleaning £60
Deep Cleaning £145

Booking our End of Tenancy Cleaning in Stoke Newington includes:

  • The end of tenancy cleaning service we offer is always performed by trained professionals.
  • We supply all of them with high quality cleaning products, tools and detailed task lists that help them ensure that all tasks have been performed.
  • Once you call our customer support centre and schedule an appointment, the most suitable team for the job will be assigned to you.
  • The cleaning professionals will arrive and thoroughly clean the entire flat. All dust, grime, deposits, grease and clutter will be removed and rubbish will be disposed of. The entire place will be immaculate by the end of the service.
  • We guarantee the high quality of the service and the satisfaction of your landlord. You will be able to receive your initial deposit back. If you are struggling with the end of tenancy cleaning of your place, give us a call and allow us to do everything for you.
end of tenancy clean

Get a custom quote for your cleaning service:

  • Only the cleaning jobs included in the cleaning service you scheduled with our team will be listed on your bill.
  • When you call our office agents, tell them about the state of your flat and you will obtain a free estimate over the phone.
  • This billing system allows us to provide all customers with reasonably priced services and ensure that they know exactly what they are paying for.
  • Once you receive the custom estimated price for the service you booked, it will remain the same until the completion of the service.

We clean in all London areas:

Tenancy CleanYou can make your life easier by booking our flawless end of tenancy cleaning. We are expecting you in Stoke Newington N16 every single day and we will be eager to discuss all the details of the working process. As far as the prices are concerned, you can be sure that they are the most reasonable ones in the area, without any hidden fees. After finishing with our end of tenancy cleaning, we will leave your property in an immaculate condition, without a single spot. Should you need further details about the services we offer, do not hesitate to use our call centres.

About Stoke Newington

Stoke Newington is one of the interesting districts of London because it is known as the place with the largest number of babies per capita. This is why many young families prefer living there. As a matter of fact Stoke Newington N16 is also known as the district where the largest communities of Turkish, Irish and Asian people live. The place has an interesting multicultural atmosphere and it is one of the main reasons because of which you should definitely go and check it out. It is located north-east of Charing Cross.premium-quality-stamp

The place has been through a major gentrification in the last couple of years and this is why now you can find lots of independent shops, cafes and restaurants – you will not get bored there for sure. There is also a site showing different events, childcare, education centers and many other things.